Friday, June 8, 2018

Create Selenium WebDriver using Java Factory Pattern

Hi Friends,

In Factory pattern, we create an object without exposing the code to the client and refer to a newly created object using a common interface.

This is widely used java pattern for creating the object. 

Here is the UML diagram for creating the webDriver object. 

Click here to download the code from GitHub repo

Note: This is just an idea. Future enhancement can be done based on requirement. 

Thursday, June 7, 2018

Create Selenium WebDriver object using Singleton Java pattern

Hi Friends,

You must be knowing about the java patterns and it's advantage. In this post, I am going to create webDriver object using Singleton java pattern.

Singleton means to define a class that has only one instance and provides a global point of access to it.

Singleton class :

public class WebDriverSingleton {

private static WebDriver driver;
private static WebElement element;

private WebDriverSingleton() {

public static void initDriverInstance(Browsers browserName) {
 // code for init driver object

public static void openURL(String url){
// open url code
public static void quit() {
// code for quit driver

public static WebElement findElement(Locator locator, String value) {
// code for findElement 

// add all the other required method here

Test class :

public class Test_1 {
public void Setup() {
public void TestCase_1() {
WebDriverSingleton.findElement(Locator.NAME, "userName").sendKeys("testuser");
WebDriverSingleton.findElement(Locator.NAME, "password").sendKeys("testpassword");
WebDriverSingleton.findElement(Locator.NAME, "login").click();
public void killDriver() {

Click Here to Download code from github